Andrew Willis
Quality Assurance Manager
Andrew Willis has enjoyed working in the aviation industry since 2008. He started his career working in aircraft electrical systems on military contract aircraft for the U.S. Army. He spent time in U.S. Air Force as a Weapons System Officer on B-1 bomber aircraft before moving to the airlines and eventually the private air travel sector as a maintenance controller. His time as a maintenance controller provided him with experience in managing the intense logistics behind the scenes of aircraft maintenance. He also spent time as a traveling aircraft mechanic for fleets such as NetJets, FlexJet, Wheels Up, and several others. Prior to being the Quality Assurance Manager, he was also a maintenance controller for FlightWorks for three years. His experience both in the management office and on the hangar floor is an invaluable asset in his current role of managing the legality and safety of the entire FlightWorks fleet. Andrew’s education includes an Airframe and Powerplant Certificate and a B.S. degree in Business Management with honors. In addition, he is currently working on his MBA through Louisiana State University.